Monday, December 7, 2009

Lifestyle Design Wrap-up

Illustrator Tool Focus

I knew it would take some Illustrator patience on my part and some serious tutorial help. After some research on-line I came up with a couple design ideas based on a more organic object and used some sketches I liked from my notebook to build on, then tackled the tutorials. The designs came together and I used the sheet we had gotten for the laser cutter to prepare the files. I was inspired to create a file that came back to little things making a big difference and so created the One drop Ripplesss…

I have found that the one step that we may not know the reason for can change things dramatically for others. Often affecting many more people than we can ever realize: So why not express that in my art. It became the first file that was cut on the laser cutter. After talking with the tech and having some difficulties with the files delayed things for a bit, I switched up my fern file and made the etching around it instead of in it by etching then cutting out the fern/branches. I spent a lot of time in with the tech and learned some really valuable stuff.

A connection with the earth around us and nature has been a part of my art for a long time. Ferns are a symbol of sincerity towards others. It can also be a symbol of magic, fascination, confidence, shelter, discretion, Tree branches are symbolic of branching and trying something new.Trees have an elemental quality to them. They connect us to the earth below us and the sky above. Who wouldn’t want to be that grounded?

My organic mother child signifies the relationships we have with family, friends and even strangers. There always seems to be a dynamic that makes one stronger. Not always the one you expect to be either. It can change over time and morph into different dynamics as situations change. I struggle for strength, satisfaction and a peaceful existence.

I have a better idea what limitations the laser cutter has and how I can achieve the effects I want. I am pleased with how they turned out and have plans to sand blast in January to create the affect I want on one of the projects.

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