Saturday, November 28, 2009


So after a bit of reworking we got my files to work. Let's just say the cutter has issues with certain things ... and needs some work on its mirrors that has not been in the budget to fix for some time. I got some great ideas from the tech while I was there though. She suggested sand blasting to get the effect I want on one piece specifically, and thought cutting out the stencil design on the laser cutter would work, I am thinking that a vinyl stencil would work too though. Hmmm........ I had already thought of etching glass but that is another thing she suggested with acid resist paper. I love one of the designs I reworked for the laser cutter, want to sand blast the other and am thinking of improving the other with that as well. Here are the pictures:

One Drop Ripplessss



Monday, November 23, 2009


So in trying to get something ready for the laser cutter, I realized I needed some Illustrator tutorial help and have spent time learning more about the one program I feel most in need of instruction on. I have a few designs that I am going to try out and hope that the execution of them will satisfy me.

The editing process has been a little frustrating. I guess I am expecting too much from myself based on my level of knowledge about Illustrator. The simplest design may prove to be the best one, for all I know. A test may be the best way to go, before I use the more expensive products.

I am hoping to include some text in one of my designs.

I got this one laser cut and will be in early on Friday to get the others done too. Interesting the things you find out once you have a file and talk with the tech in the laser cutting room. It takes hours to etch a solid fill...
Good to know... Anyone needing to laser cut may need to beg from now on. They are supposed to be closed next week. We shall see.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Left Behind

Left Behind, originally uploaded by KS_Dorn.

Just the evidence of enjoying the scent of a rose. We leave behind a moment that may have brightened our day. Kind of a glimpse into the past. A nice thing to find that won't pollute the world. A spot that raises the mood.


Scattered, originally uploaded by KS_Dorn.

Not quite dry, interesting that a shelf can become a garbage can. Are they just too lazy to pick it up and drop it just 4 feet away? Sad but curious that it becomes a bit of art in and of itself. People tracks are often significantly thoughtless. Even the design created from a person being careless in their own actions creates things that enlighten at times. However, the stuff I didn't post from this bathroom turned my stomach, so the thoughtlessness was still disgusting.

Human Tracks

Human Tracks, originally uploaded by KS_Dorn.

Drip Drop! Sometimes what we leave behind isn't so much destructive as a bit of an annoyance to someone else. The water left around the sink is rather a pain if it wets your clothes. Kind of amazing really how far it can get from the sink while they are in search of a towel to dry off with. Hmm... a reason to redesign the paper towel to sink connection... new combo piece of equipment...................


Excess, originally uploaded by KS_Dorn.
Lots of refuse! A truck full of old tires. I certainly hope they will be going somewhere to be recycled, but as we know rubber has a limited chance of that. Why can't we design things that are made to improve the earth when we have lost the need for them?

The photograph may be technically flawed but I love the flares of light on each side of this one.

More Escess

More Escess, originally uploaded by KS_Dorn.
Isn't it interesting the things that get left behind and where? When Diane and I saw this all we could do was laugh. It did draw attention to the beauty of a warped tree trunk surviving in the middle of city chaos. Illuminated by the afternoon sun it appears majestic even. The wonders of a good light source.

Tin Can Man

Tin Can Man, originally uploaded by KS_Dorn.
Creative uses for recyclable trash that make it fun instead of disposable. It has to be said that trash can make some nice things. Wizard of Oz-ish! The rust just gives it that extra something to make you want one of your own.


Wired, originally uploaded by KS_Dorn.
Our life requires electricity and we create the most complex wired situations that can be imagined. I think I will go back here and recapture this with a higher film speed and see which one I like better. The blur may just add some interest here. We'll see!

Well it's a bit brighter but not really less blurry. I like them both. The first is more indistinguishable, but the golden color of this one is pleasing too.

Oily Sidewalk?

Oily Sidewalk?, originally uploaded by KS_Dorn.
We leave evidence behind even in the strangest places: Oil on a sidewalk on campus. Could it be a maintenance vehicle leaving drippy icky waste. If so they should definitely do some work on their vehicles. We may be a fairly green campus but this could use some work.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Saturday, November 14, 2009


So I am thinking laser cut organic shapes on clear acrylic with led light from below that reflects over water. I want people to be able to interact with the water and play with the reflections and shadows. If the led's are under glass with the pool of water over that it should work out well.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ideas from Google Images

After seeing these designs on-line I think I may just go more organic with my designs. Something that interacts well with light and maybe even casts shades. More to consider...Hmmm!

New Projects

So TOOL Focus group has morphed a bit to include Awareness. Energy/Electricity was mentioned as a possible approach to take. I think I could get behind that.

I also thought of taking my own personal important cause and doing something with that as well... More on that latter...

Christmas gifts may definitely come into play sense I need them and feel like I need some practice before I pull off my best design.

Downward arrow graphic
Organ Donation
James Story
Practical considerations
Need some learning time
Read/read/read instructions
Subtopic 3
Increase Laser cutter/Vinyl cutter knowledge
Try in Vinyl first
Work up to it
1. energy signs
2. cork burn
3. Christmas gifts small
6 girls 6 boys
4. larger gifts
At least 3
5. Cupboard doors?

See someone else's be made/cut
Check hours open
Energy Graphic
Learning Curve

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I was very impressed with everyones presentation.

Good Job!!!!

Reduction Results

The Buffers

  • Cork artwork & shelf liner artwork
    • Effective but needed help

  • Door weather-stripping
    • Effective but still needed help

  • Bookcase
    • Very effective
      • Going to eventually put in shelves on the rest of the wall

    • Table & garbage can bumpers
      • Seem to be working
        • Haven’t been there long enough to be sure

      Monday, November 2, 2009


      Finishing up Details

      So I did most of my todo list for the weekenad. The one thing I didn't do was something that wouldn't have helped anyway. I figured out the screndoor needs a makeover to make it close softer. Too tight of a fit.
      I moved my bookcase and now want more shelves... Not in my budget just yet though. I bumper proofed garbage cans and the table behind the screen door.