Turquoise are plans for immediate future
Violet for change in plans // 10/26/09
Noise Pollution from Neighbors
1906 house -- no insulation
12 ft ceilings
Neighbors have kids
Their staircase goes right through my space
Drop things upstairs a lot
Goofy Gratitude Art Messages/ Slap happy goodness
No elephants upstairs
Nothing rolls down the stairs
Screen door isn’t larger
Loud shouting visitor not there often
Reciprocating cone of silence/play on term
Physical Changes
Fabric bed canopy
Fabric/art covered core to absorb sound
Bookcase wall for stairway wall // need more cash
Gorilla Bumper Mission
Add bumpers to outdoor noisemakers
in dead of night // still to come
Add bumpers to outdoor noisemakers
in dead of night // still to come
Other options
Input noise output sound reduction machine
Record loudness with delayed play back for them
Vibration triggered recording
Fence art for outside problems
thumbs up to gorilla bumber mission! :)